Saturday, April 26, 2014

Crawfish Boil

We were invited to attend our first crawfish boil.  It was great!  Brad and Kim hosted it at their house and everyone had such a great time.  It was the perfect day for it.  Absolutely gorgeous weather for an outside party.  Liz and Tor cooked 100 pounds of crawfish.  This is half of them.

Liz dumped a whole giant jar of Zatarains seasoning in one of the pots to cook the vegetables.

Doing a little food prep.

Brad got to come for a little while before he had to head off to work.

Lifting the pots is hard work!

Liz's monogrammed wooden crawfish cooking paddle.

Sweet Anna

Alex playing soccer while Wrigley tried to get the ball from him.

Time to eat!  I learned that coolers make excellent food warmers!  The crawfish, corn, potatoes, garlic, onions, artichokes, sausage and mushrooms were all hot for hours.

Here's my plate.

The kids had a crawfish race.  Alex didn't want to race.  He was afraid to hold one.

Kim taking a much deserved break and snuggling with Aubrey.

Even though Alex didn't want to race the little guy, he had no problem eating one!  He loved it!

The kids having fun!


It was such a great time!  Plus there were 2 girls there that babysat all the kids so all the adults could have a good time and relax.  Genius. 

Tuesday, April 8, 2014


Because I want to remember this....
I was holding Aubrey and Abby came up to us and grabbed Aubrey's hand. Her face lit up and said, "Aubrey has bones!!"  She was so excited!  I laughed and said, "Yep!"  Then Abby said, "Just like a dinosaur!"  My response was, "Or a human?"  Abby replied with, "Or a cat!"  
I just found it really funny! 

Monday, April 7, 2014

Great Expectations

Alex's school is a Great Expectations school.  They have learned expectations such as "We will value one another as unique and special individuals", "We will use good manners saying please, thank you, and excuse me", "We will not laugh at or make fun of another's mistakes, use sarcasm or put downs, and we will cheer each other to success."  They say these each morning in their classroom and have great hand motions/sign language that goes with them.  They also say them at the Rise and Shine that they have on Monday mornings as a whole school.

Alex's teacher chose him to recite the expectations at the assembly.  He was supposed to do 1-4 and another student was supposed to do 5-8.  I guess Alex didn't know to stop and he just kept on going.  The other student just did them with Alex.  It was fun to see him on the stage speaking in the microphone.  It was a proud mama moment!

Saturday, April 5, 2014


Now that Aubrey is 6m old, it's time to try baby cereal.  Her first bite was okay.  She just wasn't sure what to think.  Pretty different than Mama's milk!  She was a trooper though, and ate 2 bowls of it!  Way to go!  However, she hasn't liked it since. She pushes the spoon away and turns her head.  If I make it to her mouth with the spoon, she keeps tight lipped.  Oh well.  Soon enough she'll enjoy eating real food!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Aubrey 6 months

Aubrey had her 6m check up and she's doing well!  I was asked by both the nurse and the doctor how tall Brad is because she measured in the 90% for height!  She has grown just shy of 3 inches since her 4m appointment!

Kim took pictures of Alex and Abby at 6 months.  I asked her to take some of Aubrey, too.  Here are some of my favorites from the photo shoot.  Although, each time I go back and look at the pictures, I have a new favorite.  So just in case you want to see all the pictures, you can click here and see all of them from the day.  :)