Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Plan of Action

The pathology report came back on Brad's dad's brain tumor. Turns out it is a very aggressive and malignant tumor called a Grade IV Glioblastoma Multiforme.  (Google it for more info). :( 

It is a primary tumor, meaning it didnt metastisize from the tumor in his leg. The plan is to continue the radiation on his leg and finish that. He will also begin radiation on his head. So he will do both at once. He will also begin taking an oral form of chemotherapy. This treatment will last for 6 weeks. They will be finished and able to come home the Wednesday before his daughter Rachel's wedding. After that, I'm not sure of the plan, but hopefully he'll be able to be home for a long time before going back to Houston.  If the radiation and chemo don't do what they anticipate, he may qualify for some clinical trials. 

Please pray for the Stanhope family. Pray that Jimmy continues to have the strength and courage to keep fighting this battle. 

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Cancer Take 2

Brad's dad has been being treated for cancer for most of this year.  He finished his chemo treatment and began radiation.  He has to be in Houston at MD Anderson for 5 weeks straight because they are doing radiation on the sarcoma in his leg 5 days a week.  He has tolerated it well and things seemed to be going according to plan.

A few weeks ago he started having some problems remembering things, finding the words to say, and  trouble doing things, such as texting.  He started to have some vision problems and they decided to go have things checked out because these symptoms kind of all came on at once.  He had a brain scan and it turns out he had a brain tumor.  I saw a picture of it and it filled up almost half, or more, of one quadrant of his brain.  They found it and the doctors immediately scheduled surgery to get it out.

Brad and his siblings were flown to Houston for the surgery.  I'm so glad he was there to support his dad and so sad I wasn't able to join him for more support, but it was during the time I was hospitalized for my pregnancy complications.  They were able to spend some time together the day before the surgery and then the morning of the surgery.  He was in surgery for about 6 hours and the doctors were hopeful that they got it all, but they weren't able to, as they saw on the scan after the surgery.  They sent it to pathlogy and will get results in 5-7 days, which hopefully is tomorrow. They seem to think that it metastasized from the sarcoma in his leg, which they said is pretty rare.  I guess sarcomas don't normally go to the brain, but they think that this one may have.

So now we are just praying that they have a great plan to attack this new cancer in his head.  They think that they will do radiation, chemo, and possible cyber knife radiation.  They want to finish the radiation on his leg, and maybe they'll be able to transfer him to Tulsa to treat his head.  This is all just preliminary thinking and once they get the pathology report back, a solid plan can be put into place.

So this cancer journey that we thought was coming to an end has taken a new turn.  Brad's dad has a great attitude and is putting up a great fight.  He has a positive attitude and just keeps on going.  He's a strong man and it's scary, but we know he is in a wonderful place to get the best care.  He WILL beat this!

Bed Rest

Well, last week I ended up in the hospital twice, and the second time, since it was the third time all together, I had to stay.  I got to spend 8 nights and 9 days there.  It wasn't bad.  I had lots of company and the kids came up everyday.  I missed a baby shower, so many of my sweet friends brought their shower gifts to the hospital.  It was fun to get new baby stuff!

The doctor gave me steroid shots 24 hours apart that will help develop baby girl's lungs faster.  Those suckers hurt!  I'm a baby when it comes to needles anyway, so this was not fun at all.  It hurt when she stuck me, the medicine hurt going in, and it stung and burned for about 20 minutes afterwards.  I'm really happy to have the steroids, though.  The neonatologist came to talk with me and said I was far enough along that the baby isn't considered a micro preemie, and that having a girl means she's about 2 weeks more mature than if I were having a boy.  All good news!  She discussed everything that would happen if the baby comes early and I feel like I'm more prepared, should that happen.  I think the hardest part will be having to leave the baby in the NICU while I go home.  Of course, that may not even happen!  But if it does, I know she'll be extremely well cared for.

I had the nicest nurses while in was there.  They were so kind and compassionate about my situation and some other family things happening that I'll save for another post.  I really feel like I was cared for 100% by the nurses.  They made the long stay not so bad.

Now I'm back home and on strict bed rest.  I have to stay in bed or on the couch all day. I'm not really supposed to sit upright because it puts too much extra pressure on my cervix.  So I just lie down or kind of recline all day.  I do get up to use the bathroom and shower, but that's about it.  I sit up to eat. It's an adjustment for sure!  I can't go anywhere except to doctor's appointments, but I have those once or twice a week so I look forward to getting out of the house.

I am not supposed to be left alone in case something emergent happens and I need to hurry and get back to the hospital.  So my family has been taking shifts while Brad goes to work.  While I was in the hospital, Brad had to go out of town for an emergency health situation with his dad, so my wonderful Aunt Jan from Chicago flew in to stay at my house and take care of my kiddos.  She and my mom worked together to make sure they stayed on a consistent schedule.  My sister in law came and took them to the aquarium one day and they enjoyed doing that with their cousins.  Now that I'm home, my mom and dad have been taking turns coming over for about 10 hour shifts to care for the kids and babysit me.  Next week will be a little harder because school starts for everyone, but we are working it out.  I know it's hard on everyone to drop what they're doing to come take care of my family, but it is so appreciated.  I know that I would do the same for them in a heartbeat.

I cannot believe the support and blessings we have received from everyone.  It is just overwhelming.  My friends know that Brad works from 3-11 in the evening and that he's not home at dinner time, so the meals we have been receiving are so wonderful.  We've received gift cards to restaurants and cards and food to fill our freezer.  We were blessed with a housekeeping service so that brad doesn't have to worry about the house on top of his full time job, the kids, a bed ridden wife, his dad's  situation, the shopping, laundry, etc.  I could barely accept this wonderful gift.  I was overcome with emotion and gratitude and finally got the words to accept it out of my mouth.  Wow.  Thank you so much.  I've had friends come and pick up the kids and take them out to eat and to parties they've been invited to.  It is just so humbling to have so much support.  The phone calls and visits are so uplifting and I just can't believe how loved and supported my family is.  So, to those of you reading this, thank you from the bottom of my heart for making this less than ideal situation a little easier on everyone.