Sunday, August 18, 2013

Cancer Take 2

Brad's dad has been being treated for cancer for most of this year.  He finished his chemo treatment and began radiation.  He has to be in Houston at MD Anderson for 5 weeks straight because they are doing radiation on the sarcoma in his leg 5 days a week.  He has tolerated it well and things seemed to be going according to plan.

A few weeks ago he started having some problems remembering things, finding the words to say, and  trouble doing things, such as texting.  He started to have some vision problems and they decided to go have things checked out because these symptoms kind of all came on at once.  He had a brain scan and it turns out he had a brain tumor.  I saw a picture of it and it filled up almost half, or more, of one quadrant of his brain.  They found it and the doctors immediately scheduled surgery to get it out.

Brad and his siblings were flown to Houston for the surgery.  I'm so glad he was there to support his dad and so sad I wasn't able to join him for more support, but it was during the time I was hospitalized for my pregnancy complications.  They were able to spend some time together the day before the surgery and then the morning of the surgery.  He was in surgery for about 6 hours and the doctors were hopeful that they got it all, but they weren't able to, as they saw on the scan after the surgery.  They sent it to pathlogy and will get results in 5-7 days, which hopefully is tomorrow. They seem to think that it metastasized from the sarcoma in his leg, which they said is pretty rare.  I guess sarcomas don't normally go to the brain, but they think that this one may have.

So now we are just praying that they have a great plan to attack this new cancer in his head.  They think that they will do radiation, chemo, and possible cyber knife radiation.  They want to finish the radiation on his leg, and maybe they'll be able to transfer him to Tulsa to treat his head.  This is all just preliminary thinking and once they get the pathology report back, a solid plan can be put into place.

So this cancer journey that we thought was coming to an end has taken a new turn.  Brad's dad has a great attitude and is putting up a great fight.  He has a positive attitude and just keeps on going.  He's a strong man and it's scary, but we know he is in a wonderful place to get the best care.  He WILL beat this!

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