Thursday, February 6, 2014


Aubrey has her first illness.  RSV.  I feel like we caught it really early, which is good.  I took her to her 4 month check up just 3 days ago and she had a runny nose, but it was all clear and only had to be suctioned a few times a day.  Now, 3 days later, I am suctioning her nose every 15 minutes and she has developed a little cough.  I'm not taking any chances with her since she's so young, so I called the doctor, even though she's never run a fever.  We were seen within 2 hours and she tested positive for RSV.  Her lungs weren't too congested and there wasn't a lot of wheezing, and her ears were not infected, so all good news.  The treatment was easy.  I just needed to feed her more often to make sure she didn't get dehydrated, and I had to give her breathing treatments every 4 hours, even when she was sleeping.

I've said it a million times, but she really is the best baby.  She is so easy going and doesn't mind when I have to do uncomfortable things.  She just lies there while I suction her nose.  It's almost funny how still she is while I do it!  She is also really good when she gets her breathing treatment.  She just kind of hangs out while I hold it in front of her face.  

Kim also gave me an oil to try on her chest.  So I believe the combo of the breathing treatments and oil, plus catching it so early, really put her on the fast track to getting well!  

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