Saturday, April 26, 2014

Crawfish Boil

We were invited to attend our first crawfish boil.  It was great!  Brad and Kim hosted it at their house and everyone had such a great time.  It was the perfect day for it.  Absolutely gorgeous weather for an outside party.  Liz and Tor cooked 100 pounds of crawfish.  This is half of them.

Liz dumped a whole giant jar of Zatarains seasoning in one of the pots to cook the vegetables.

Doing a little food prep.

Brad got to come for a little while before he had to head off to work.

Lifting the pots is hard work!

Liz's monogrammed wooden crawfish cooking paddle.

Sweet Anna

Alex playing soccer while Wrigley tried to get the ball from him.

Time to eat!  I learned that coolers make excellent food warmers!  The crawfish, corn, potatoes, garlic, onions, artichokes, sausage and mushrooms were all hot for hours.

Here's my plate.

The kids had a crawfish race.  Alex didn't want to race.  He was afraid to hold one.

Kim taking a much deserved break and snuggling with Aubrey.

Even though Alex didn't want to race the little guy, he had no problem eating one!  He loved it!

The kids having fun!


It was such a great time!  Plus there were 2 girls there that babysat all the kids so all the adults could have a good time and relax.  Genius. 

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