Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Baby news

Things haven't been the easiest lately.  About a week and a half ago I woke up at 3:30 am to use the bathroom and was bleeding.  It was a pretty significant amount so we went straight to the hospital.  They kept me till the afternoon and then I was released to go home on strict bed rest. When I asked what exactly that meant, they said I need to be in bed or on the couch and I can get up to use the bathroom, eat, and take a quick daily shower.  That is not the easiest news to take knowing I have 2 small kiddos at home and a husband with odd hours.

I saw the high risk doctor a couple days after my hospital visit and she was so much more pleasant this visit.  She laughed and seemed "light", where the past few visits she has seemed so straight faced and serious about everything.  My bed rest wasn't lifted, which wasn't a surprise. She told me that anything I can have someone else for me, I need to let them.  I can't do anything around the house, no shopping, no lifting, no carrying, no bathing the kids, no cooking. This would be a piece of cake if it was my first baby!  I asked if I could sit on the floor and fold laundry, and she laughed and said she'd compromise with me and that I could sit on the couch and fold laundry.  She said getting up and down off the floor wasn't a good idea.  She also started me on Procardia, a medicine that works to prevent contractions from happening.  I've been having a few and if I contract, it could cause more bleeding, so to prevent that, I take the medicine.  It's not bad.  Just makes me a little tired and gives me a small headache.

During the ultrasound, my placenta was still completing covering my cervix, but any concern about the vasa previa, like she thought last time, was gone.  That was great news!  I was 26.5 weeks at the appointment and baby was averaging 28.1 weeks.  She also jumped from the 66% to the 90%!  Big girl!!  She weighed 2 pounds 10 ounces that day.  That is like a baby 29-30 weeks old!  So Brad and I are both so pleased that she is big since she will be born 3 weeks early.

I had an appointment with my regular OB yesterday and she was so kind, understanding, and compassionate about everything that's been going on.  She did an ultrasound and everything looked prefect with the baby.  She couldn't believe the growth spurt she'd had!  She agreed that I needed to stay on bed rest, but lifted it a little.  She said I still need to spend the day down, but I can get up a little bit more.  She said not for more than 10 minutes at a time.  I asked her if I could go places and she said I could, as long as I sit down the whole time I'm there.  I asked her if I could drive and she kind of smiled and asked where I wanted to go.  Anywhere!  ha!  She said it was fine if I drove to eat or to a friend's house, but again, stay seated while I'm there and don't do anything.  She added not to stop and run in a store while I was out.  Tempting as it may be to run in anywhere, I'm not going to.  She told me that 2 months is a short time to do nothing to keep her safe and growing, compared to her lifetime.  I so agree!

I have been beyond blessed by a wonderful husband.  He has really been great about doing what I ask him to do and taking care of the kids.  He does things he hates, like grocery shopping, and listens to me tell him a million things that need to be done with a smile on his face.  My house isn't as picked up as I like it, but oh well.  The kids are alive, fed, and clean.  A fair share of tears have been shed by the kids and me due to frustration and things being so different now, but it's only for a short time and then we can get back to a normal routine.  Well, maybe not...we'll have a newborn.  :)

My mom has also been wonderful.  She's made us dinner, come over and done chores for me, bathed and put the kids to bed when Brad's not here, etc.  I know it's hard on her too.  She has her own life but is still taking the time to make mine a little easier.  She's such a wonderful role model.

My mom and grandma came over and made me some meals to freeze, which I appreciate so much.  My brother and sister in law took the kids to a movie and kept the kids for a sleep over.  I know they had so much fun because when we went to get them they both were sad they had to leave their cousin's house.  My dad's in Canada right now but I know he'll be over when he returns doing stuff for us, too.  Brad's dad is back in Houston at MD Anderson for the next 5 weeks, but his step mom has been so sweet to check on me very often.  I have some amazing friends who have brought meals by, stayed all day keeping the kids and me company, made a care calendar to help out with food, and my phone has been going off non stop with people just checking in to see how things are going.  It makes me feel good to know that so many people care about my family and me.  (tears of joy here)

As for a name, we have list.  There are 12 on the list, but only about 3 that we both agree on and like.  It's been a lot harder to pick a name this time!

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