Saturday, September 7, 2013

33.2 weeks

I've made it longer than I thought I would a few weeks ago!  Here I am at 33.2 weeks. I have taken pictures about every 3 weeks just for myself, but Abby has had a deleting problem lately. I have noticed several pictures gone off my phone camera roll. She figured out how to delete pictures, and well... I've lost most of my pregnancy pictures. :( It's ok, the bigger belly pictures are more fun! 

I've been feeling fine lately. Just one day and night where I had very bad cramping off and on for about 9 hours. I think it was just Braxton Hicks because they never got longer or stronger.

I'm still on complete bed rest, and that is no fun.  I don't even feel like I live in my own house. I just lay on the couch, recliner, or bed and get up to shower and use the bathroom about 25 times a day. (Not kidding) I rely on everyone else to do  everything for me and, while I try to be a good patient, sometimes I just can't stand it anymore and get bossy. I had such a system and way of doing things and it's hard to watch things go on around me.  Time management and structure are two things I feel I'm good at, and there isn't much of that happening. It kills me!!! Then I just think how lucky I am to have family and friends that are willing to come over at the drop of a hat and help my family. My mom told me I need to quit sweating the small stuff, because it's all just small stuff, and she's so right. My doctor also told me that this is such a short time in the grand scheme of things. 10 weeks is nothing compared to the lifetime of my new baby. As of today, I have 26 days to go. I can do this!   

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