Things haven't been the easiest lately. About a week and a half ago I woke up at 3:30 am to use the bathroom and was bleeding. It was a pretty significant amount so we went straight to the hospital. They kept me till the afternoon and then I was released to go home on strict bed rest. When I asked what exactly that meant, they said I need to be in bed or on the couch and I can get up to use the bathroom, eat, and take a quick daily shower. That is not the easiest news to take knowing I have 2 small kiddos at home and a husband with odd hours.
I saw the high risk doctor a couple days after my hospital visit and she was so much more pleasant this visit. She laughed and seemed "light", where the past few visits she has seemed so straight faced and serious about everything. My bed rest wasn't lifted, which wasn't a surprise. She told me that anything I can have someone else for me, I need to let them. I can't do anything around the house, no shopping, no lifting, no carrying, no bathing the kids, no cooking. This would be a piece of cake if it was my first baby! I asked if I could sit on the floor and fold laundry, and she laughed and said she'd compromise with me and that I could sit on the couch and fold laundry. She said getting up and down off the floor wasn't a good idea. She also started me on Procardia, a medicine that works to prevent contractions from happening. I've been having a few and if I contract, it could cause more bleeding, so to prevent that, I take the medicine. It's not bad. Just makes me a little tired and gives me a small headache.
During the ultrasound, my placenta was still completing covering my cervix, but any concern about the vasa previa, like she thought last time, was gone. That was great news! I was 26.5 weeks at the appointment and baby was averaging 28.1 weeks. She also jumped from the 66% to the 90%! Big girl!! She weighed 2 pounds 10 ounces that day. That is like a baby 29-30 weeks old! So Brad and I are both so pleased that she is big since she will be born 3 weeks early.
I had an appointment with my regular OB yesterday and she was so kind, understanding, and compassionate about everything that's been going on. She did an ultrasound and everything looked prefect with the baby. She couldn't believe the growth spurt she'd had! She agreed that I needed to stay on bed rest, but lifted it a little. She said I still need to spend the day down, but I can get up a little bit more. She said not for more than 10 minutes at a time. I asked her if I could go places and she said I could, as long as I sit down the whole time I'm there. I asked her if I could drive and she kind of smiled and asked where I wanted to go. Anywhere! ha! She said it was fine if I drove to eat or to a friend's house, but again, stay seated while I'm there and don't do anything. She added not to stop and run in a store while I was out. Tempting as it may be to run in anywhere, I'm not going to. She told me that 2 months is a short time to do nothing to keep her safe and growing, compared to her lifetime. I so agree!
I have been beyond blessed by a wonderful husband. He has really been great about doing what I ask him to do and taking care of the kids. He does things he hates, like grocery shopping, and listens to me tell him a million things that need to be done with a smile on his face. My house isn't as picked up as I like it, but oh well. The kids are alive, fed, and clean. A fair share of tears have been shed by the kids and me due to frustration and things being so different now, but it's only for a short time and then we can get back to a normal routine. Well, maybe not...we'll have a newborn. :)
My mom has also been wonderful. She's made us dinner, come over and done chores for me, bathed and put the kids to bed when Brad's not here, etc. I know it's hard on her too. She has her own life but is still taking the time to make mine a little easier. She's such a wonderful role model.
My mom and grandma came over and made me some meals to freeze, which I appreciate so much. My brother and sister in law took the kids to a movie and kept the kids for a sleep over. I know they had so much fun because when we went to get them they both were sad they had to leave their cousin's house. My dad's in Canada right now but I know he'll be over when he returns doing stuff for us, too. Brad's dad is back in Houston at MD Anderson for the next 5 weeks, but his step mom has been so sweet to check on me very often. I have some amazing friends who have brought meals by, stayed all day keeping the kids and me company, made a care calendar to help out with food, and my phone has been going off non stop with people just checking in to see how things are going. It makes me feel good to know that so many people care about my family and me. (tears of joy here)
As for a name, we have list. There are 12 on the list, but only about 3 that we both agree on and like. It's been a lot harder to pick a name this time!
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Baby update
Last week I saw the high risk doctor again so she could check on my previa. It's still present. My placenta has moved a little, but not enough. It also hasn't moved symmetrically, which has left more coverage on one side. Also, I have some tissues, membranes, and a baby blood vessel that are still completely covering my cervix. The doctor spent a lot of time measuring, looking, and watching blood movement. She is concerned about separating, which would not be wonderful. She wants me to be extremely careful in my everyday activities. She doesn't want me doing anything strenuous, lifting anything or doing housework. She says I don't have to lie in a bed, but she wants me to take it very easy. Those are hard orders! She also wants me to come back in 3 weeks for another check. I hate to say it, because it's scary, but she mentioned hospitalization. I took it to mean we'd discuss things in 3 weeks, Brad took it to mean going to the hospital in 3 weeks. She just doesn't want any bleeding to start.
I saw my regular doctor today. She reassured me that baby girl is doing very well. There is plenty of amniotic fluid, her heart is beating strong, she is very active, and according to measurements, she is in the 66% for babies her gestational age. I'm so happy she is healthy! My regular doctor is so nice, calming, and comforting. She made me feel so at ease about everything and while she agrees that I need to take it easy and not lift or do anything strenuous, she seemed to think as long as I take things slower, it will help prevent any strain that could cause bleeding. She said nothing about hospitalization (yay!) and says that things still may correct on their own before 37 weeks. That gives me 12 weeks! Please pray that my body works for my baby!
We discussed the need for a c-section if nothing changes. It really scares me and makes me anxious. After two vaginal births, and getting to hold and have my baby immediately to nurse, it makes me nervous that I won't get to hold and nurse this baby as soon as I'd like. I guess I need to make sure I have a good birth plan in place. My doctor looked at the calendar and has scheduled my c-section for October 3. It's a little strange knowing exactly when the baby's birthday will be! But it is a pretty cool birthday- 10-3-13. (10+3=13) I'm guessing 13 will be her lucky number! Of course, we can always cancel the surgery if my placenta, tissues, and membranes cooperate, which is what I'm praying for!
It's really funny to hear two different doctors talk about the same situation. A friend of mine told me it's like good cop/bad cop! Ha! I can see now why people like to get second opinions. My doctors didn't have different ideas on my situation, but my regular doctor sure did make me feel better about everything!
I saw my regular doctor today. She reassured me that baby girl is doing very well. There is plenty of amniotic fluid, her heart is beating strong, she is very active, and according to measurements, she is in the 66% for babies her gestational age. I'm so happy she is healthy! My regular doctor is so nice, calming, and comforting. She made me feel so at ease about everything and while she agrees that I need to take it easy and not lift or do anything strenuous, she seemed to think as long as I take things slower, it will help prevent any strain that could cause bleeding. She said nothing about hospitalization (yay!) and says that things still may correct on their own before 37 weeks. That gives me 12 weeks! Please pray that my body works for my baby!
We discussed the need for a c-section if nothing changes. It really scares me and makes me anxious. After two vaginal births, and getting to hold and have my baby immediately to nurse, it makes me nervous that I won't get to hold and nurse this baby as soon as I'd like. I guess I need to make sure I have a good birth plan in place. My doctor looked at the calendar and has scheduled my c-section for October 3. It's a little strange knowing exactly when the baby's birthday will be! But it is a pretty cool birthday- 10-3-13. (10+3=13) I'm guessing 13 will be her lucky number! Of course, we can always cancel the surgery if my placenta, tissues, and membranes cooperate, which is what I'm praying for!
It's really funny to hear two different doctors talk about the same situation. A friend of mine told me it's like good cop/bad cop! Ha! I can see now why people like to get second opinions. My doctors didn't have different ideas on my situation, but my regular doctor sure did make me feel better about everything!
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
Christmas in July
My good friend Melina and I love Pinot's Palette, a paint and sip art studio. They are all over the country and we are lucky enough to have 2 in Tulsa! I have been to a few painting classes and had such a great time at all of them. Brad teases me that we are going to have to move just so I can have a place to hang all the fabulous original art I bring home. ha!
Melina and I had a bright idea to have another private party at Pinot's and do a Christmas in July theme. We painted a winter picture, had an ornament exchange, and served Christmas colored food. We had guacamole chips and salsa, chocolate covered pretzels, cheesecake filled strawberries, red and green veggies with dip, snowball cupcakes, and reindeer poop (Nutter Butter balls). It was delicious!
Not everyone participated in the ornament exchange, but it was fun to come home with a new ornament. In fact, I think I got the best one! It has swirls on it, just like our painting, and it has the date. I'm a sucker for ornaments with dates! Isn't it cute?!
We painted Winter Wonderland, which was in my top 3 choices of paintings. It's fun, different, and I can't wait to hang it up for Christmas! 25 people showed up to paint and I think everyone had a great time. Here are some shots from the evening.
I love how Melina thought outside the box and painted hers red instead of blue. It really looks great! And if you look closely, you might be able to spot a hidden Mickey Mouse in both of our paintings! (Thanks to Mariah for that idea!)
Here is the final group shot after we were all done.
And finally, some other masterpieces. Thanks so much to all who came and made this such a fun event! We'll have to do it again!
Melina and I had a bright idea to have another private party at Pinot's and do a Christmas in July theme. We painted a winter picture, had an ornament exchange, and served Christmas colored food. We had guacamole chips and salsa, chocolate covered pretzels, cheesecake filled strawberries, red and green veggies with dip, snowball cupcakes, and reindeer poop (Nutter Butter balls). It was delicious!
Not everyone participated in the ornament exchange, but it was fun to come home with a new ornament. In fact, I think I got the best one! It has swirls on it, just like our painting, and it has the date. I'm a sucker for ornaments with dates! Isn't it cute?!
We painted Winter Wonderland, which was in my top 3 choices of paintings. It's fun, different, and I can't wait to hang it up for Christmas! 25 people showed up to paint and I think everyone had a great time. Here are some shots from the evening.
Here is the final group shot after we were all done.
Sunday, July 7, 2013
I have had the most insane craving for cupcakes, especially at night. Of course, we never have any and by the time I think about wanting one, it's too late to go to the store. I got smart and bought a cake mix and frosting at the store. The kids were so excited to help make cupcakes!
Alex's aunt is in culinary school, and she made him this little apron and chef hat combo. Every time we bake or he helps me cook, he gets this out and puts it on. It's so cute!
After they cooled, we frosted them with the BEST icing. My best friend introduced it to me and it is amazing! Cool Whip Frosting! (in the freezer section with Cool Whip)
Then came the fun part-sprinkles! Alex was very careful and decorated his and mine so nicely. Abby got a little excited and hers turned out very sugary, but very age appropriate! :)
They were really good and we each had 2. Yum!!!
Alex's aunt is in culinary school, and she made him this little apron and chef hat combo. Every time we bake or he helps me cook, he gets this out and puts it on. It's so cute!
After they cooled, we frosted them with the BEST icing. My best friend introduced it to me and it is amazing! Cool Whip Frosting! (in the freezer section with Cool Whip)
Then came the fun part-sprinkles! Alex was very careful and decorated his and mine so nicely. Abby got a little excited and hers turned out very sugary, but very age appropriate! :)
They were really good and we each had 2. Yum!!!
4th of July
We had a laid back 4th of July this year. Nothing real big, just a few fun, small gatherings. July 3rd we went to Kiefer to watch the fireworks display and I was so happy it was on one of Brad's days off so he could go with us. We went with our dear friends the Voises. Our girls are just 3 days apart and love each other so much. Alex loves hanging out with them, too, and they have a new baby, which both the kids think is the best and can't get enough of! They are so obsessed with babies right now. Good thing! :)
We found a place in the park to set our blankets and chairs, and hung out for a few hours before the show started. There is a gazebo with music and a live band, there are two small playgrounds and some swings, and a little playhouse set up for the kids. It was really crowded this year. There didn't seem to be as much room to run around, but it was fine. In fact, all the kids spent most of the evening with the adults on the blanket. It was beautiful weather, not hot at all, and once the sun went down, it actually got a bit chilly.
This fireworks display was one of the best I've seen. They shoot them off so close to where you are sitting; maybe 100 yards. Abby thought they were too loud, but she enjoyed watching them, and Alex thought it was awesome. Check out his face!
It was an incredible show and lasted maybe 40 minutes. The only hard part about the evening was getting out of our parking spot. We sat in the car for about an hour before we were actually on the road. There were that many people! They close the highway and only let cars go in one direction, so you can imagine 11-12,000 people all trying to leave at once. Chaos!
The next day, on the actual 4th, we went to a pool party at the Fernandos. They have the best pool and are the most gracious hosts. It is always such a wonderful time when we go to their house, and we are so thankful for all their hospitality. Alex learned a new trick at Big Splash earlier in the week, and did it all day in the pool. He loves doing cannonballs!
We found a place in the park to set our blankets and chairs, and hung out for a few hours before the show started. There is a gazebo with music and a live band, there are two small playgrounds and some swings, and a little playhouse set up for the kids. It was really crowded this year. There didn't seem to be as much room to run around, but it was fine. In fact, all the kids spent most of the evening with the adults on the blanket. It was beautiful weather, not hot at all, and once the sun went down, it actually got a bit chilly.
This fireworks display was one of the best I've seen. They shoot them off so close to where you are sitting; maybe 100 yards. Abby thought they were too loud, but she enjoyed watching them, and Alex thought it was awesome. Check out his face!
It was an incredible show and lasted maybe 40 minutes. The only hard part about the evening was getting out of our parking spot. We sat in the car for about an hour before we were actually on the road. There were that many people! They close the highway and only let cars go in one direction, so you can imagine 11-12,000 people all trying to leave at once. Chaos!
The next day, on the actual 4th, we went to a pool party at the Fernandos. They have the best pool and are the most gracious hosts. It is always such a wonderful time when we go to their house, and we are so thankful for all their hospitality. Alex learned a new trick at Big Splash earlier in the week, and did it all day in the pool. He loves doing cannonballs!
We spent all day over there, and while we were invited to join everyone at the fireworks show that evening, we had to call it a day. The kids were exhausted from being out till 11:30 the night before and then from swimming all day. They wouldn't have made it!
The next day we continued our celebration over at my dad's house. My brother and his family came, too, so my kids were excited. They love playing with their cousins. My little water babies got another full day in the sun and the pool and loved every second of it.
We had some awesome food over at my dad's, as always. I've always said that my favorite place to eat in all of Tulsa is his house. He cooked an amazing ham, had his award winning potato salad, a giant fruit salad, and cocktail shrimp. My brother added some pretty good hot dogs to the mix, too. I'm a little worried about how much we are going to have to feed Alex in the future. He ate so much! He had two big plates of ham and fruit, a plate of shrimp, and 2 hot dogs before he got back in the pool. Then he got out and ate two adult portions of fruit salad along with some chips. When we were leaving he and John each grabbed a chunk of ham. I seriously looked at Alex and thought someone had made him a sandwich, that's how big his piece of ham was! He is going to be an eater in a few years! I can't imagine him as a teenager! My dad joked that when the kids are older we are going to have to buy 3 hams for dinner; one for Alex, one for John, and one for the rest of us! Ha! It's probably not far from the truth!
Happy 4th!
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