Monday, September 30, 2013

The Fair

We bought Disney on Ice tickets back in June when they first went on sale.  Of course, we needed someone to use my ticket since I couldn't go.  Brad invited his dad to join them.  I'm so happy he was able to go and enjoy something with the kids that they were so excited about.  He has been coming home from Houston on the weekends so it worked out perfectly for him to be able to join Brad and the kids.  Brad said he had a wonderful time and he told me he really loved watching the kids have such a good time.

They made it to the show, and the kids came home full of excitement about seeing the princesses!  They weren't able to stay after the show and enjoy any food or rides because of the pouring rain so they came home. Jimmy ended up hanging out at the house for a few hours with the kids after the show, too. He seemed so happy!

The kids with Papa Jimmy.

The kids with sweet Lilian.

My dad called the next day and offered to take them back to the fair since it was a gorgeous day.  They were able to enjoy rides, food, some games, and the buildings.  I actually started to get a little worried because they were gone from 10:30-5:00!  They all had such a a great time!

I'm so glad my dad was able to go for a couple of reasons.  One, so he could spend some time with the kids.  Two, so he could do something fun for himself.  He has done nothing but care for my step mom for the past month.  She had back surgery the day after Labor Day and still isn't well.  They finally moved her from the hospital to a skilled nursing/rehabilitation center.  He spends all of his time there with her.  He needed a break to get away and hasn't been able to do that.  I'm so glad that he was able to go do something fun for more than just the hour he has taken to go home and feed his dogs or quickly mow his grass.

This has not really been the year for our family as far as health goes.  First with Brad's dad and his cancers, then with my pregnancy, and finally with my step mom's back.  We are all ready for some relief and I'm so happy that the two grandpas got to have some this weekend with the kids at the fair! 

Friday, September 27, 2013

Bed Torture, I Mean Bed Rest

WARNING!!! This is not a happy post, but more of a venting, feeling sorry for myself post. Feel free to skip it. 

As soon as I found out I had complete placenta previa at about 19 weeks, my doctor told me that bed rest was a possibility. Oh, well, that won't happen to me, she just has to let me know it's a possibility. WRONG!!! As of today, I've been restricted in my activities (lifting, housework, exercise, etc.) for over 12 weeks, strict bed rest for about 10 weeks and complete bed rest for almost 8 weeks.

Want to know what's been good about complete bed rest? 
My baby has grown big and healthy. She is a mover and is in the 82% for babies her gestational age. 
My hair is probably the healthiest it's been in years because I only dry it once a week when I go to the doctor. 

Want to know what's been bad about bed rest?  Everything else!!! 
I can't get up.
I can't do anything for myself except shower. 
Other people have to come to my house and spend their whole day here doing things I should be doing. 
I can't do things with my kids.
I missed Alex's first day of Kindergarten, Abby's first day of preschool, Abby's first day of ballet, and other school activities. 
I miss taking pictures of my kids doing fun things. 
I missed Disney on Ice with my kids, who have been excited since June to go. 
I missed things I had planned with friends.
I missed two baby showers for the new baby. One of those being a group shower with another pregnant friend, one being a shower 3 friends graciously wanted to give me. 
I haven't been to bunco or book club in 3 months. 
I missed 2 hair appointments and feel like a hooker with black roots. 
I miss cooking for my family.
I miss trying new recipes and hate to ask anyone else to make something just because I want to try it.
I hate that Brad has to go to the store all the time because he hates going. 
I have zero energy.
It wears me out to take a shower and get dressed. 
I have no muscle tone left and look and feel like a giant blob of grossness. 
I've gained a lot of weight (42 lbs) because I eat, exert no energy, and burn no calories. 
I had to quit my "job" as a tutor, which I loved. 
I've done too much online shopping.
I have to ask for anything to be done for me and I feel so bitchy for asking for anything and everything. 
I couldn't do any preparation for my baby. 
I had to have people go buy what we really needed, like the car seat and stroller, without me. 
My husband gets to do nothing for himself because when he's not at work, he has to take care of the kids, me, and the house without a break. 
When I stand up and walk to the restroom, it sounds like I'm walking on a bunch of dead sticks in the woods because my body is so stiff.
I wake up every time I need to use the restroom or roll over, so I don't really sleep.
My whole body aches; my hips, back, legs, and shoulders especially. 
I get irritated very easily. 
I think too much. 
I cry too much. 
I fear it's going to take me a very long time to regain strength to do normal things after the baby is born. 
People are probably still going to have to help me after the baby is born because I'll be so exhausted from the new baby, the kids, and Brad going back to work, and just being able to be up instead of lie down all day. 

Bed rest is no fun at all and I don't wish it upon anyone.  It is the most discouraging, frustrating, irritating, annoying thing I've ever done. 

The reward will be great, though.  I am proud of myself for making it through such an awful experience and that it helped my body to continue to grow the baby.  Our family will have the healthiest and happiest baby girl. I'm hopeful that she will be easier than Abby was, who was very easy, and things will just fall into place as a family of 5.

Friday, September 20, 2013

35.1 weeks

I had 3 appointments this week!  Monday was with my regular OB and during the ultrasound she noticed my amniotic fluid looked a little on the low side but said things otherwise looked good.  When I went to the high risk doctor on Wednesday she confirmed that the fluid levels were low and that the umbilical cord was wrapped three times around the baby's neck.  I kind of panicked and luckily Brad was there to calm me down and be my voice of reason.  She looked and measured and said she'd like to see me back on Friday.  Brad assured me that if the doctor thought the baby was in danger, she would have sent me to the hospital instead of home for two days.  He always thinks so clearly!  

So I went back today and am happy to report that things have gotten better!  My fluid levels are at an 11 (whatever that means).  The doctor said that 20 is normal and that they get pretty concerned when levels are 5-7, so I'm good, even though it's on the lower end!  Also, the cord is now just kind of draped once around her neck!  She must be a ballerina and twirled enough to unwind it!  I'm in a much better mood today!  13 days to go!!!

Monday, September 9, 2013


One of the things I remember from my childhood is going with the family to Porter to pick peaches. We always got so itchy!  But it was fun and the reward was delicious!  My dad had the kids one day and decided to drive to Porter and let the kids pick peaches.  He said they had a fun time and they came home with quite a few peaches.  They were so delicious!  I'm so glad my kids got to go!

Sunday, September 8, 2013

First Days of School

This is a very late post, but I still wanted to share with you.  The kids started and are having a wonderful time at school this year.  Alex is in Kindergarten and Abby is in preschool twice a week.  Both were so excited to start back and have loved every second.

Alex is at the brand new Bixby school, Bixby Northeast.  This school was built to accommodate the growing population on the North side of the river.  His school is relatively small compared to the other elementaries in the district.  There are about 3 sections of each grade, Pre-K through 6.  The other elementaries have about 6-8 sections of each grade.  I'm glad he is at a smaller school!  His teacher has been teaching Kindergarten for several years in Bixby and I am so impressed!  Although I've yet to meet her or see his school because of the bed rest, everything I've heard from Brad and my mom are very impressive to me as a former teacher.  Everything that is done is done so well.  It is so organized and planned out perfectly.  The principal seems to be so involved and I can just tell that she works well with her staff.  The materials that come home with Alex are above and beyond.

His teacher has really taught him so much in the short time he's been at school.  His vocabulary and the way he plays has changed and I can tell it's because of what he has been learning.  It's so cute!  He has family projects and fun activities to do at home then bring to school to share.  Alex is so happy to go to school each day!  He runs through the house singing, "I love school!"  It really warms my heart to hear him and see him so excited!

Abby is back at Faith United Methodist for preschool twice a week.  She is so happy to go and comes home in a great mood.  No crying at all this year!  She has two teachers, and again, Brad and my mom say they are both great.  I'm excited to meet her teachers, too!

Brad and my mom have been so wonderful about getting the kids to and from school each day.  Usually Brad takes them and my mom picks them up.  I am really looking forward to going to their schools, seeing their rooms, and meeting their teachers.  Soon enough!  The good thing is, I'll be able to take the new baby with us and the kids will get to show off their new baby sister!

Saturday, September 7, 2013

33.2 weeks

I've made it longer than I thought I would a few weeks ago!  Here I am at 33.2 weeks. I have taken pictures about every 3 weeks just for myself, but Abby has had a deleting problem lately. I have noticed several pictures gone off my phone camera roll. She figured out how to delete pictures, and well... I've lost most of my pregnancy pictures. :( It's ok, the bigger belly pictures are more fun! 

I've been feeling fine lately. Just one day and night where I had very bad cramping off and on for about 9 hours. I think it was just Braxton Hicks because they never got longer or stronger.

I'm still on complete bed rest, and that is no fun.  I don't even feel like I live in my own house. I just lay on the couch, recliner, or bed and get up to shower and use the bathroom about 25 times a day. (Not kidding) I rely on everyone else to do  everything for me and, while I try to be a good patient, sometimes I just can't stand it anymore and get bossy. I had such a system and way of doing things and it's hard to watch things go on around me.  Time management and structure are two things I feel I'm good at, and there isn't much of that happening. It kills me!!! Then I just think how lucky I am to have family and friends that are willing to come over at the drop of a hat and help my family. My mom told me I need to quit sweating the small stuff, because it's all just small stuff, and she's so right. My doctor also told me that this is such a short time in the grand scheme of things. 10 weeks is nothing compared to the lifetime of my new baby. As of today, I have 26 days to go. I can do this!