Thursday, May 2, 2013

Oh Baby!!!

In case you didn't know, Brad and I are expecting our third little bundle of joy in mid-October.  We are beyond excited and the kids are super excited, too.  Of course, one of them will be sad come October when the baby is either a boy or a girl, but they'll get over it!

The above picture is an ultrasound of the new baby at 14 weeks.  I am so fortunate to have a doctor that does an ultrasound every visit.  It's exciting to watch the growth!  What's not exciting is to watch that number creep up on the scale!  I have gained more weight thus far in pregnancy than with the other two.  I blame it on the 5 weeks I spent on the couch doing nothing because I was so exhausted it took every ounce of energy I had to get up and do anything!  My poor family suffered.  Laundry wasn't done, house wasn't clean, fridge wasn't full.  Brad did help out and go to the store for me, thank goodness!  I haven't run in about 6.5 weeks, haven't been to the gym, and haven't done much of any exercise.  I feel like a slug!  Luckily, I have been gaining my energy back.  My house is getting back in order, all our laundry is done and I've been to the store twice this week!  woo hoo!  ha!

Do you know what I really want?  Stuffed french toast, a big cheese omelet and some hash browns from IHOP.  I also want Subway, Taco Bueno and greasy cheeseburgers.  Sounds delicious and disgusting all at the same time!  I also want to run, lift weights and have a flat stomach.  HA!  Maybe I can just settle for some long walks with the kids, but of course that will have to wait.  It's May 2 and it is FREEZING!  Not just a little cold, but actual ice and snow!  So when the weather warms up you can bet I'll be getting back outside!

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