Saturday, June 15, 2013

It's a.......GIRL!!!!

Surprise!!!!  It's a girl!!!  I am SHOCKED!  I was so certain it was a boy!  I just had strong "boy" feelings, feel like I am carrying like I carried with Alex, I've had two boy dreams (one dream on the same night my mom had a boy dream), and just really had no "girl" feelings.  Truthfully, I was hoping for a girl.  The baby is due 3 weeks before Abby's birthday, so having another girl born in the same season helps out clothing wise.  I also thought it would be neat to have the two younger siblings be the same gender.

We had our gender reveal with our family and decided to go with a Mexican theme.  We served Mexican food and beer and had a pinata for the reveal.  Two of my sweet friends, Regan and Emily,  took the pinata and my envelope from the doctor and filled it with candy.  They were so good about keeping a poker face when they returned the pinata!  I didn't do a ton of decorating, but had a few things out that were pink and blue and a few foods that were pink and blue.  It was just enough and turned out well.

After everyone was done eating, we headed out to the backyard to break the pinata open!

We decided to let the cousins swing at it, starting with the youngest.  The pinata was pretty sturdy and didn't break quickly, so each kiddo got 2 different turns to try to break it open.

It was Alex who finally broke it open!  I think Anna had some pretty strong swings that loosened it just enough for Alex.  He swung about 5 times and then it burst open!  Pink candy flew all over the patio!!!

I was so shocked and so excited!  I started jumping up and down and squealing!  Another sweet friend of mine, Melina, took some great pictures for me!  She got some great reaction shots! Obviously, I was excited and so was my mom!

Brad was happy, and he was right!  He thought girl all along!

Summer is excited and happy!  But Abby and John?  Uh oh!  Abby was crushed that Alex broke the pinata.  She didn't understand that we were supposed to break it.  I think it broke her heart that the pinata was broken!  John was so upset that Alex broke it and the candy fell before he got another turn.  Their faces, while sad, are really kinda funny!

It was a great evening and we are so looking forward to another baby!  I'm 21.5 weeks, so I've passed the half way mark and am on the downhill slide!  Now to come up with a name..... :)

To see pictures from the whole evening, click here.

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